Thinking back to the last 12 months, I see Adam Boulton riding a rollercoaster. Look here.
What a year this has been! For me, it started with social quarantine (no, I’ve never had this COVID thingy; others worried I wasn’t submissive enough), and it closes with an open end.
While 2022 is not over yet, it’s about to run out. 2022, it’s time to say goodbye.
For me, this Christmas is different from others. I used to see Christmas concluding a year. This year, for the first time, I strongly feel that Christmas marks the beginning of a new chapter. So it’s time to say farewell to all I can’t take with me into the coming year and beyond.
As in 2022, I’ve found friendship, wisdom and advice where I subliminally expected it, so I’ll pay more attention to my intuition in the year ahead.
I wish you all A Merry Christmas and a wonderful year in front of you.
Rainer XX